Exceptional Drinking Experiences
Wedding Services Nationwide

Plan the Perfect Wedding
Our experienced staff will work tirelessly to meet your needs and exceed your expectations for your special day. Our wedding bar hire service delivers delicious drinks, conjuring up cracking cocktails for couples that opt for mixology. We can set up pretty much anywhere as well as working with three gorgeous venues as their exclusive bar partner. If you are looking for our Wonderland Wedding bars, click through to the wedding venues section below.
We’re experts in our craft.
Clients trust in our skill, style and professionalism and know we’ll deliver a quality experience every time.
We are original thinkers.
We stand out from the crowd by delivering bespoke experiences and we’re always looking for new ways to do things.
We bring people together.
Our energy and passion for our work is infectious and creates an unforgettable buzz and a fantastic impression.
We are there for you.
At the most crucial times you need reliability, that’s why we make sure things go right for you.

Celebrate in Style with M&T...

Join thousands of companies and party hosts who have experienced Mix & Twist at their events.

Our Customer Reviews
Lucy – Club L London
Caroline – Intersystems
Victoria – LifeSearch
Tara - Nexus Leeds
Frank Kinsey